Michael T. Schultz

PhD Mathematics

Interests: Calabi-Yau varieties, geometrization of  their period domains, and the geometry / arithmetic of Seiberg-Witten theory. Lately, I've also been interested in mirror symmetry and relevant enumerative invariants, and am also studying how geometric structures that arise on Calabi-Yau moduli spaces are related to integrability of certain nonlinear PDEs. Curiously, in some special cases relevant to Hilbert modular surfaces this appears to yield (holomorphic) (2,3,5)-distributions on (complex) 5-manifolds. I'm also interested in index theoretic anomalies that arise in quantum field theory, gauge theory, and string theory. I'm currently a VAP at Virginia Tech. I finished my PhD in 2021 at Utah State University with Andreas Malmendier

With several VT math colleagues I am a co-organizer of the regular Virginia Tech Geometry & Topology seminar. With both VT physics and math colleagues I am a member of the organizing committee for String Math 2027. I am faculty advisor to the undergraduate Math Club at VT.

I wrote a relatively introductory linear algebra book that emphasizes the geometric perspective. I have run this material several times with college sophomores at USU in 2018-2019 and they did incredibly well. Please feel free to use it. Let me know if you do (and when you find the inevitable typos!). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 license

Email me: michaelschultz at vt dot edu

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael-Schultz-11